
Torah Dedication

  • Completion of the Torah Scroll by a Scribe -  Refreshments will be served 
    Live Music - Special Children’s Activities - Free Admission
     Looking forward to greeting you!

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    The Torah is the most precious article in Jewish life. In times of need, prayers are offered in its presence and its timeless lessons have carried us through our 3,300 year history.

    A highly trained scribe in Israel has been commissioned to hand-write a Torah for our community. A grand ceremony will be held on March 10th, with a scribe who will complete the year-long process by putting quill to parchment, to write the final letters of the Torah. 

    We invite you to join us in this auspicious mitzvah by endowing a letter, portion or selected sections of the Torah. You can dedicate a selection for yourself, family or friend. You may choose to mark a personal milestone, a personal simcha, a special occasion, birthday, yahrzeit, anniversary, bar/bat mitzvah portion, etc.

    In the merit of this sacred mitzvah, may G‑d send His blessings to you and your loved ones and may we see them fulfilled in a tangible revealed manner.

    Any sponsor of $180 or more will be given the opportunity to assist the scribe in writing one letter in the Torah. 

    If you need assistance with dedication options please call Rabbi Kornfeld at (818) 954-0070 or email [email protected] 

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